A downloadable game

Burn The Boats! is a multiplayer game where you can build your armies and smash your friend's army or get completely destroyed on one attack! Your luck plays a huge role to decide the outcome of the skirmish so you can't actually blame the game for that. 

It is a great game for those who want to break their friendship! 

You can also make your own board, and even add a third player to the game! The possibilites are only as limited as your imagination.

To play the game you will need: A dice, a board, pencil and eraser, and something that might actually be really hard to find, a friend.

Download content includes:

1- Rule Book: An easy to understand with variety of examples PDF that includes every rule on how to play the game.

2- Board and Cards: A simple board and a couple boards that I designed myself for the sake of a first game, they are meant to be downloaded and printed. 


Burn the Boats! Rule Book.pdf 461 kB
Board and cards. Burn The Boats!.pdf 81 kB

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